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Headliner: Voetbal Nieuws Plaats een nieuw antwoord  
 patrickpsv15 - zondag 29 november 2009 - 18:45   quote  deeplink  
Chinese bookie guarantees all matches on website are fixed
Published: 27 November 2009 17:05 | Changed: 27 November 2009 17:12
The result of some this weekend's Dutch premier league football matches has already been decided in Shanghai, says Sister Chen, who sells memberships to a betting website.
By Oscar Garschagen in Shanghai
News - Dutch football is not immune to Chinese match-fixing
The agent of the football site in Shanghai didn't beat around the bush. "All the games in the Netherlands on our website are fixed. We have agreements with the trainers and players so we know exactly who is going to win or lose," she said with confidence.

The woman, who introduced herself as Sister Chen, wanted to know if the foreign gentleman was interested in a 1,500-euro yearly membership to the site, in return for which he would get access to all inside information on the European professional football competitions. A contract could be delivered by messenger within the hour, and as soon as the fee was paid, bets could be placed for this weekend's games. "Seeing that you're a foreigner, we could perhaps lower the fee to 500 euros just this once," she insisted.

This Friday, for instance, there is money to be made by betting on Dutch first division matches: the De Graafschap vs Haarlem or Stormvogels Telstar vs. Fortuna Sittard. The games start at 8 p.m. CET, but the outcome has already been decided in Shanghai, said Sister Chen. "We can guarantee the result and a doubling of your bet: 1,000 euros will become 2,000 euros. After we take out a 30 percent transaction fee you will be getting 1,400 euros back."

Online casinos for football games

The website also offered four premier league games this weekend, including AZ Alkmaar vs. VVV Venlo. There were games on offer from all the European and Central-Asian competitions as well as games in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. "The lower the division the more games are on offer", Sister Chen explained. "The English premier league games are the hardest to fix."

Sister Chen said she is "only an agent, not a fixer." She said she didn't know anything about the organisation behind Fact is there are dozens of Chinese websites functioning as online casinos for football games in Europe and elsewhere. You can even place bets during the game; spotters at the game or behind their TV sets provide relevant information for the gamblers back in China.

Officially, gambling is illegal in China. In order to escape detection by the police the sites are often registered in Brussels, London or Hong Kong rather than China itself. But the police does little to nothing to track down the illegal casinos. The gambling industry has become too big and the police has other priorities.

According to Chinese sports journalist Yang Ming, who in 2002 wrote a book, Black Whistles, about the role of the illegal Chinese gambling industry in football, the business is good for 15 billion dollars. Part of that money stays in China, an unknown other part has contaminated foreign football competitions.

Young people have switched to basketball

"It is a cancer that has completely destroyed the Chinese football competition and it is now spreading to Europe," said Yang Ming, who works at the state press agency Xinhua . Since his book was published Yang Ming has never gone to a game or watched one on television, because, he said, "everything is fixed from the first to the last minute".

The arrests this week of 16 Chineses football coaches, players and officials of the Chinese football league will not make a big difference, Yang Ming said. "Corruption and gambling have killed Chinese football: the most beautiful sport in the world, which was first played in China during the Han dynasty in 206 B.C., is no more," he lamented.

Most Chinese seem to agree: the number of registered football players in China has gone down from 650,000 to around 50,000 in 15 years time. Young people have switched to basketball en masse . But that hasn't stopped the Chinese from being football-crazy: the international games broadcast by sports channel CCTV-5 draw up to 400 million viewers on weekends.

Football has become a state affair

And the fact that China, with its 1.3 billion inhabitants, can't seem to get a decent national football team together, has now become a state affair. Both president Hu Jintao and vice-president Xi Jinping , himself a football fanatic, have recently taken a personal interest. According to Chinese state media, the country's highest political leaders have called it a "national disgrace" that China will not be playing in the 2010 world championships. The combination of the corruption scandals and China's absence on the international football scene, "are threatening to overshadow the success of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, according to the state media.

This week's arrest are said to be part of a drive by the president and vice-president to rid Chinese football of corruption and revitalise the sport, or, as the English-language state newspaper China Daily wrote, "to stop the fall of Chinese football further into ignominy".

It seems a given that many more heads, of football players, coaches and officials, will roll in the coming weeks and months. But sports journalist Yang doubts it will make a difference. "They're just hollow words that we've all heard many times before."

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Om 00:00 op 29 november ondertekenden een hoog vermogen Correct Correct 90 keer meer dan de ondertekening van high-power high-powered Correct in de achteraf betalen! 13.564.605.999
At 02:00 op 28 november Fenerbahce Qiuban Kasipasa Correcte 95 keer van hoog vermogen 1:3
Bij 03u30 op 27 november Nimes Caen gebonden Correcte 71 keer van hoog vermogen 0:4
Bij 03u45 op 24 november Milton Keynes halfrond / a Seoul hoog vermogen bal Cassels Correcte Score 111 keer 3:4
11 Yue 22 Ri 22:00 AC Milan, Cagliari, een hoog vermogen Corrigeer de bal 91 keer het 4:3
Om 09:00 op 21 november stropdas Azul Puebla high-powered Correcte 111-voudige 4:4
Bij 00u45 op 20 november Korona Tie / Lu Bin halfrond high-powered Correct 61 keer van 3:3

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Start op de plaat onder de plaat om de score te bevorderen Handicap Results
Om 00:00 op 29 november gesloten contractuele overeenkomsten tot vaststelling van de vaststelling van match match-tot vaststelling van overeenkomsten in het achteraf betalen! 13.564.605.999
Op 22:30 op 28 november Werder Bremen VfL Wolfsburg VfL Wolfsburg een 2-2 bal
Bij 03u00 op 27 november Ayma stropdas / halfrond FC Eindhoven 4:1 Ayma
Bij 01u00 op 27 november Karlsruher SC 2:1 halfrond Cobb Lunsikasi Ruhe
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Om 10:00 p.m. op 25 november een bal Fei Xin Longni Verona Verona 2-0
Bij 03u45 op 24 november Chinese Su-Er-tie / Dome Olympisch zoute Chinese Su-Er-3: 0
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Start op de plaat onder de plaat om de score te bevorderen Handicap Results
Om 00:00 op 29 november laten de bal voorbij de bal 5 string een pass pass in een reeks van vijf achteraf betalen! 13.564.605.999
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-- dit bericht is voor het laatst aangepast op maandag 30 november 2009 door Thomas --
 patrickpsv15 - maandag 30 november 2009 - 16:42   quote  deeplink  
vandaag opeens dit bericht:
 gunmaster - maandag 30 november 2009 - 20:55   quote  deeplink  
Let vooral op:
27 november Ayma - FC Eindhoven 4:1
fc Emmen - fc eindhoven
Dan kun je je dus afvragen waarom deze stand op een rare chinse website staat? net alsof een paar chinezen geinteresseerd zijn in fc emmen tegen fc eindhoven. !VERDACHT!

-- dit bericht is voor het laatst aangepast op maandag 30 november 2009 door gunmaster --
 patrickpsv15 - maandag 30 november 2009 - 20:58   quote  deeplink  
Op maandag 30 november 2009 - 20:55 schreef gunmaster het volgende:
Let vooral op:
27 november Ayma - FC Eindhoven 4:1
fc Emmen - fc eindhoven
Dan kun je je dus afvragen waarom deze stand op een rare chinse website staat? net alsof een paar chinezen geinteresseerd zijn in fc emmen tegen fc eindhoven. !VERDACHT!
idd opvallend, dat is dus de wedstrijd die henk kesler verborgen houdt, er moet nog een wedstrijd zijn, maar welke?

-- dit bericht is voor het laatst aangepast op maandag 30 november 2009 door patrickpsv15 --
 demy44 - dinsdag 01 december 2009 - 08:24   quote  deeplink  
het is een groote zooi met de kleine jupiler clubs
 patrickpsv15 - woensdag 02 december 2009 - 18:27   quote  deeplink  
az vvv ook verdacht volgens die site

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Headliner: Voetbal Nieuws Plaats een nieuw antwoord  

Index / Sport / Voetbal / Voetbal / topic: Wedstrijduitslagen al van te voren bekend.
