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Index / Sport / MMA / K-1 / topic: Striking/MMA coach wanted in beautiful Norway!

Headliner: K-1 Nieuws Plaats een nieuw antwoord  
 MMA_Oslo - maandag 23 maart 2015 - 13:07   quote  deeplink  
Striking coach wanted

We are a modern, well equipped MMA Gym in Oslo, Norway looking for a striking coach.
The ideal candidate will be teaching Muay Thai and MMA classes, and has experience with BJJ and SW.

Job description:      
Technique demonstration and philosophy of the different Martial Arts
Student coaching
Training program development according to common standards
Experience with training programs

Our ideal candidate has:
EU citizenship
Age: 25+
Norwegian and/or English language proficiency
Clean judicial record
Experience as a MMA coach

Payment after agreement, based on experience.

Job location:
Oslo, Norway

Position type:

Contact: for more info

-- dit bericht is voor het laatst aangepast op maandag 23 maart 2015 door MMA_Oslo --

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Headliner: K-1 Nieuws Plaats een nieuw antwoord  

Index / Sport / MMA / K-1 / topic: Striking/MMA coach wanted in beautiful Norway!
